May 4, 2021

Designing the Destinations Website

December 13, 2020

goHfG Workshop & Business Models

December 5, 2020

Consultation Meeting

October 11, 2020

Becoming part of goHfG

December 13, 2020

goHfG Workshop & Business Models

This week, we had the opportunity to join Thomas Schönweitz’ workshop about Business Modeling. The workshop ran from 9 in the morning (which - since I’m out of my usual schedule - felt early), until five in the afternoon.

During that day we got to know a lot of different methods for developing business methods, like the Three Horizons framework by McKinsey that we want to use ourselves sometime. At one point he talked about the most common reasons why startups fail. For example, 42% percent of failed startups did so because there was no market need, 29% percent ran out of cash and so on. For some reasons, like no market need, user unfriendly product (17%), or ignored customers (14%), I believe, we as students coming from the HfG Gmünd are well equipped to handle, since our university projects focus very heavily on users.

Another big part was working with Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas. While we worked on a Business Model Canvas before, it was good to have some expert looking over our shoulders once more.

At the end of the week, we also submitted our project to the first goAward organized by our university, so we are pretty excited about what will happen there.

Thats it for 2020, see you next year.