December 5, 2020
Consultation Meeting
We had a consultation meeting with our contact at the university this week, where we shared some updates on our progress networking and getting our project ready for presentation.
Now we have a rather long list of to-dos that we’ll work on. First, we will form a strategy on how we will approach potential partners or customers. In short, we want to tell people why they need us and our tool, instead of asking them to try our software. From now on we are also going to start documenting how long we need to complete tasks to get better at estimating in the future. Additionally, we will create a timeline with our goals that we want to achieve next year.
Next Steps
Other topics we discussed were networking with other startups, getting media contacts (especially interesting when our MVP is ready), sharpening our message and elevator pitch and how we want to present our project. Do we want to present it perfectly polished or confidently unfinished?
So early next year, we want to think about how we want to present our ideas and it will include a definitive look and feel for our website and other social media. The current one is more of a quick fix that I made after we finished our bachelor project when it was our first priority to have something to show. Now we want to focus more on us as a team and how we want to be viewed.
I will be on vacation until February and our weeknotes will take a small break. There is however another workshop planned before Christmas, so there will be at least one more update for this year.